主页 > 新闻资讯 > 贝博体育-广州白云参加:2016年印度孟买LED国际照明展 LED INTERNATIONAL EXPO IN BOMBAY INDIA 2016
贝博体育-广州白云参加:2016年印度孟买LED国际照明展 LED INTERNATIONAL EXPO IN BOMBAY INDIA 2016
2024-02-18 作者:肥仔

       当前位置: 首页 » 会员新闻 » 会员新闻 » 广州白云加入:2016年印度孟买LED国际照明展 LED INTERNATIONAL EXPO IN BOMBAY INDIA 2016放大字体 缩小字体发布日期:2016-05-24 10:05 阅读次数:236 2016年5月12日-14日,广州市白云化工实业有限公司成功加入在印度孟买举行的LED国际照明展。世界各地165家企业加入展会,中国的企业占四分之一。来参不雅的人数达2万人,90%为专业的LED灯具出产厂家。 前来白云化工展会咨询和商谈合作的新老客户川流不息,特别对白云品牌被飞利浦公司承认为全球指定供给商赞不绝口。本次展会,白云化工给参展不雅众充实展现了白云化工为LED照明行业泛博用户供给的系列产物利用解决方案,获得了参贝博体育展佳宾们的高度承认,并对白云牌LED系列密封胶产物表示出稠密的爱好。 本次展会,不但很好地展现了白云牌工业用胶在LED范畴的优势,同时有力地晋升了品牌国际知名度。 On 12nd, MAY 2016. The LED International EXPO has been witnessed a grand opening in Bombay, India. This fair lasts 3 days and has attracted over 165 exhibitors from worldwide. Surprisingly there re 90% of overall 20,000 visitors are professional LED lighting manufacturers. BAI YUN Chemical, as the sole supplier of Philips Electronics, the largest electronic product company in the world, has been highly praised by lots of new and old customers. They gathered in our booth, consulting and negotiating with BAI YUN oversea department representatives. During the fair, BAI YUN has successfully displayed our lighting Solutions for LED industry, which were widely recognized and accepted by all. Many customers have shown their great interest, and their willingness to cooperate with BAI YUN in the long term. By attending the LED International EXPO, BAI YUN not only displayed the superiority in the application of Industrial Sealant, also effectively raised our brand popularity in global market.

上一篇:贝博体育-中国玻璃创新发展论坛8月24日进驻广州国际玻璃展 下一篇:贝博体育-长信科技:OLED用ITO导电玻璃早已批量出货
